released September 2007
(...)Thus the very word "person" is compounded of the two Latin words per and sona, and therefore signifies, "that through which the sound comes". (...) C.W. Leadbeater.
The album is split in 11 tracks; which 9 are songs, one is a sound sculpture and one is a guided meditation/spoken word artwork.
A brief description of each one of the tracks:
Sheer / Stark – A reflection on stars and the universe, and how they influence me.
Ether of Speech - Abstractly speaking, the ether of speech could be anything. Is the wind, is the buzzing inside your ears, and is the silence. Is the sound of the environment around you. It's everywhere, is the speech in an abstract form, in its essence, in ether, whatever. On this song I start with the underground train's sound in the background. Those types of trains were something I always wanted to make a song with, since I was a kid. Is a monotone song, but then, is based on a monotone soundscape. The coming and going of the underground, those routes going on circles or re-starting from the final stop, the apathetic thoughts you have in a journey, the way you get lost in your own speech, with the distance.
Luna Llora a Pangea
Death Hunter - As I went back to the beginning, I was then dead… Lose your consciousness. Empty your mind. Disconnect from this planet. Disappear inside yourself. Sparkle your existence... somewhere else. Anywhere, but here. Change your state of mind and the whole universe shifts into something else. Free yourself to exist into any type of reality or manifestation. Sleep again, and I'll rise.
Initial Particle (sound sculpture) – searching for the real Big Bang to put it into sound, I found something else. A very old abstract distortion, shapeless.
Lilith Love – I wanted to write a political song regarding female repression as a world-social issue; instead, in a few moments, it came a whole description of this ancient goddess archetype, for some reason.
Nemesis et Felidae - After the explosion, all the beasts came out. A darkened drama. Based on the 8th (or eleventh, depending on the tradition) card of the tarot - The Strength. Or, as in Crowley's deck, Lust. The infinite soul follows the eternal battle in the conscious mind between the animal and the human force - and the values, answers and powers relevant to the decision of balance on this quest vary immensely. Some say the key is courage - some say is love - some say is compassion - some say is truthfulness. Some say the key is self-knowledge. The mystery of the real and enduring strength - that does not necessarily needs to be physical. Spiritual, intellectual and emotional forces are joined for the results of a sum of powers - and weaknesses. Lust & Strength. Through the Maya of illusion in between realms and sensations that deceive - self-control of the mind and the never-ending expansion of the spirit for survival meets an attempt to find a more genuine and truthful... path. "Nemesis" is a theoretical black star whose orbit's relates to the sun - "et Felidae" is Latin for "related to the felines". Through the apocalyptical menagerie of a bestiary... I found what I was looking for.
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