Albedo is one of the four major stages of alchemy along with nigredo, citrinitas, and rubedo. It is a Latinicized term meaning "whiteness" and follows the nigredo ablutio; the washing away of impurities by aqua vitae. Psychologist Carl Jung equated the albedo with unconscious contrasexual soul images; the anima in men and animus in women. It is a phase where insight into shadow projections are realized, and inflated ego and unneeded conceptualizations are removed from the psyche and stage.
An Albedo Feature is a large area on the surface of a solar system which shows a contrast in brightness or darkness with adjacent areas. Historically, albedo features were the very first (and usually only) features to be seen and named on Mercury. Early classical maps (such as those of Schiaparelli, Antoniadi) showed only albedo features, and it was not until the arrival of space probes that other surface features such as craters in Venus or Titan, permanent albedo features cannot be seen using ordinary optical telescopes because the surface is not visible, and only clouds and other transient atmospheric phenomena are seen.
Isis Equinox
An Aeon is a period of time, and an "Equinox of the Gods" is also another expression for Aeon, or ages, or eras. The first Aeon was in pre-human history. Because of this it has been called the Nameless Aeon and was the longest Aeon. It started when the Earth was "formless and void" and finished with the "birth" of Homo Sapiens about 200,000 years ago. This Aeon is also known as the Aeon of Besz, after the Egyptian god who protects women in pregnancy and childbirth; as this Aeon covers the time of the "gestation and birth" of humanity.
The second Aeon has been named the Aeon of Isis, after the Great Mother Goddess.
This Aeon covers the "Hunter-Gatherer" period of humanities existence it was a time when humanity perceived life as spontaneously generating from the Earth and from the females of the species; it was observed that both nurtured their offspring from their own bodies. The Mother gave life, the Earth was Mother, the Creator was female, was Goddess; it was a matriarchal age, one which was about and dealt with the Mysteries of Life.
The third Aeon is the Aeon of Osiris, where there are the 2,000 years of medieval and war times, civilizations built and destroyed. The fourth Aeon, the one of Horus, is the one that we are entering now (or age of Aquarius).
This song is dedicated for the equinox between the nameless first and second Aeon, where Isis... begins.
Pollinium, or plural pollinia, is a coherent mass of pollen grains.
They are the product of only one anther, but are transferred, during pollination, as a single unit. This is regularly seen in various plants, such as orchids and many species of milkweeds (Asclepiadoideae).
Most orchids have waxy pollinia. These are connected to one or two elongate stipes, which in turn are attached to the sticky viscidium.
Some orchid genera have mealy pollinia. These are tapering into a caudicle (stalk), attached to the viscidium. They extend into the middle section of the column.
The combination of pollinia, caudicles, stipes and viscidium form the pollinarium.
It’s been a while that I have been willing to record a song about flowers. Years ago, while still training to become a Flower Remedies therapist, I wanted to record a full album only on these essences. Each song would have the name of a different flower. I also was very interested on Music Therapy and had the aspiration of achieving the same vibrational healing effects obtained by flower remedies through music, and those songs would be done on that purpose. Still is something on my drawer and if one day I find an efficient way of reaching that I will definitely work on a flower album…
The whispers are intended to be like flowers and fairies voices, within the swamp and the jungle… The clock is to represent seasonal and time effects towards plants and people, and also reminded me the sound of some sort of valuable ticking box that has been opened.
Within the pollen, as a metaphor to the spirit of the human being, the treasure was unveiled. The orchids have awakened and introduced themselves.
Queen Sequoiadendron
Sequoiadendron is the scientific name of giant redwoods. The Queen of the trees, and possibly, the oldest living being in the earth. They can live for thousands of years and are considered royalty for me, indeed. A noble march, where the intensity of the memory grows with time, and with the beat.
Babel of Iraq
The invasion of Iraq A subject that not many people like to speak about, it’s enough the horrible news we read in the papers on a regular basis. The Gaza attacks recently, are just more shocking news to imagine what people are going through out there.
What can you do about it? I can’t do anything myself, I guess. Apart from joining a few manifestations in the street or post a few things on my political blog, there’s not much I can do, as an ordinary individual.
But as an artist, I can write about it. I can draw. I can sing for myself. I can make up something out of the fact, that maybe, reach more people. Not trying to be naïve, but there is always hope in the fact that, if you have more people aware of something instead of turning a blind eye to it, there is a chance for change. Is there?
Historically, the ancient city states of Mesopotamia in the fertile crescent are most cited by Western and Middle Eastern scholars as the cradle of civilization. Today, this area is more correspondent of Iraq, which is also where the tales of the Babel Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan. Bush still trying to invade Iran, and maybe other countries are also at risk in that area. The Middle East is an area where, while kingdoms throughout the whole planet will rise and fall since the dawn of humanity and the Tower of Babel, is an old land that is still impregnated with war, invasions and occupation. We are in 2009, and it is far from being in peace.
Why this? Why that land never rests? Always so many conflicts in there? The birth of civilization, and still no signs of acceptance for each other.
This song is based on the XVI card of the tarot – The Tower.
Alchemical Blood
Lava and geysers sounds, representing the warm, explosive and transformational blood of the Earth. This alchemy that follows through our veins and vessels following a minimalistic pattern, the rhythm and intensity grows, completion reaches its cycle and restarts again. Like an Ourobouros. Separate the earth from fire. And go back to its origins.
Pomba-Gira Rainha
Pomba Gira is the name of an entity that is worshipped and "incorporated" in some Umbanda temples in Brazil. She usually dresses in black and red, smokes, drinks champagne and likes red roses. Sometimes she is associated as a devil consort. They are also very good for fortune telling such as reading palms and reading cards...
It is said that they are gypsies or prostitutes that died and are hanging around our realm looking for spiritual work where they can help and thus evolve. However, because of their "dark connections" they can also be used for negative purposes, and as they are still "astral slaves" they have to take such low tasks regardless. Although negative activities do not help them to evolve their soul, they must do it because is part of the deal that they put themselves on in first place.
If they are lucky and keep getting good helpful healing work, they can "go up" at some point, as their vibration gets lighter...
Rainha is "queen" in Portuguese. The pomba-giras receive several names following its diverse practices, as there are several types for this entity. Sometimes in a temple they can work with a "more important pomba-gira" which is some sort of royalty.
Is been a while I wanted to do a song for her, and it had to be in Portuguese, as Umbanda and such entity work was developed after the Portuguese language was dominant in the country.
Scorpio Flower
Beauty can be a trap, and a poison. Still the danger of beauty itself is a risk worth taking, or maybe at least experiencing, sometimes.
Triax Salamander
Ether salamanders, elementals of fire, brings the shape-shifting properties for a neverending transformation, adaptation and growth.
Naja Naja
With, the hiss of a sound, the goddess of whole creation awakened, giving birth to a totally new world. The Sacred feminine. Awakening of the Kundalini serpent in the base of the spine. The mythical and archetypical origin of all things.
The Shaman of Lhasa
Tibet, a land and culture no longer owner of its own destiny; but the spirit remains, as an individual egregore, growing in the world’s culture.
Quasar Meditation
A non-spoken meditation was chosen this time. Instead, an abstract singing more into a spiritual conversation with consciousnesses in the deep space.
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